SU International Initiatives
Stetson University keeps our campus and global community updated on SU faculty, staff, and graduate student activities around the globe!
Stetson University strives to keep our campus and our relationship with the global community up to date on faculty, staff members, and graduate student activities around the world! Stetson provides international initiatives which consist of any and all of the Universities actions outside the United States. It is our goal to recognize, stay connected, and provide support for new and existing programs which in hope will allow us to gain universal recognition.
How can I add my activities abroad to the SU International Initiatives website?
You can add or update your graduate, staff, and/or faculty activities abroad by submitting a simple web form describing your projects in your own words. This includes courses with an international component, as well as research, relationships, and other projects that specifically relate to their international location. All activities will be added to the corresponding world region page(s) on our SU International Initiatives website on the main SU website. Past, current, and future projects are welcome!
- See our Submit International Activities link to the left.
How can I propose a new inter-institutional agreement with an international partner I work with?
Are you interested in initiating an agreement with a foreign partner institution? SU faculty or staff members interested in coordinating a formal relationship due to collaboration in areas such as research, joint workshops or conferences, interest in student exchange, interest in faculty or staff exchange, etc., can propose new institutional linkages through World.
- See our Proposal for Institutional Agreements link to the left.
Why are International Initiatives important to SU?
SU's vision is clear: to be recognized for its educational, intellectual, research, public service, and cultural achievements. SU strives to be a diverse and inclusive institution, creating the knowledge and innovations that will shape our future, while simultaneously cultivating excellence in the next generation of scholars and leaders for the global community.
In order to better publicize international projects and research carried out by the SU community, we have been working here in WORLD: The David and Leighan Rinker Center for International Learning to build a more open knowledge base for faculty, staff, and graduate students to publicize their international activities and research, and interact with others who share their interests. We are equally adding WORLD: The David and Leighan Rinker Center for International Learning activities to this list, to help coordinate efforts with particular countries or institutions abroad.